these kids are, to use the medical term, devastatingly wrong. While some newer players might find the gunplay overly simple when compared to the likes of a Call of Duty title. Regarding the original content, it continues to play very well.

Bringing the original developers back together to create a whole new episode to go along with the originals, Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour is now upon us. After Developer Digital’s license ran out for selling the Megaton Edition of the classic, Gearbox decided to revisit the classic before putting it out under their own label. Still, Duke Nukem 3D is the game that holds a special place in the bacon encrusted hearts of the OG. In the meantime, numerous other titles of varying quality found release across different consoles, including third person shooters and new side scrollers. Fans became impatient, eventually giving up and just ridiculing the project. After, there was the infamously long-in-development Duke Nukem Forever coming directly from developer 3D Realms. Boasting an advanced faux-3D engine, voice clips writing that was admittedly pulled directly from movies and exquisite level design that were designed to feel like actual places instead of just being a maze, the popularity of the title can not be underestimated. Starting off in the early 90s as a side-scrolling action hero, he truly caught on with the gaming populace with the release of Duke Nukem 3D. Duke Nukem has more of a prolific history than normally attributed.